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Tips For Indoor Prevention

By: Sharon Edge - Updated: 21 Jun 2010 | comments*Discuss
Tips For Indoor Prevention

Inside Hay Fever Prevention Methods

Hay fever is an allergy to pollen and, as such, most people’s symptoms are worst when venturing outdoors during spring and summer. For some people the problem is grass pollen, and for others it’s particular flowers or trees. They all cause problems at different times of year, meaning that hay fever sufferers often try to stay behind closed doors on days when the pollen count is high.

Staying Indoors to Prevent Hay Fever Symptoms

It can be irritating to be stuck inside when everyone else is outside in the sunshine having a great time – especially for children. But there’s no doubt about it, it’s often the lesser of two evils and a day inside with a carpet picnic can beat a day out in the fields with a runny nose and sore eyes. But, of course, pollen is carried on the air, and air gets inside the home too.

A key thing to remember is to keep your doors and windows shut. The pollen count gets higher towards the middle of the day, so if you keep everything shut from the early part of the day, the pollen won’t get a chance to invade. Of course, if we’re lucky enough to have a warm and sunny summer, closing all the windows can leave you feeling hot and bothered. If you’re fortunate enough to have air conditioning (which many people do at work, if not at home), try to use that to keep cool instead. If you’re at home, try taking a cool shower instead. There is an added benefit to this, apart from dialling down the temperature. If you have come in from outside, you may well have pollen sticking to your hair and skin. A cool shower will send it all spinning down the drain and out of harms way.

Washing frequently is a particularly good idea for children who suffer from hay fever. Wash their face and hands whenever they come in from playing outside and give them a bath and hair wash before bed. This should aid sleep considerably if your child has a tendency to night-time snuffles.

As well as washing your skin and hair, spare a thought for keeping your home spic and span too. Vacuum frequently to stop pollen accumulating. Dusting is important too. But don’t just use a dry duster – you’ll only waft the pollen around – dampen your cloth first, to make sure the pollen gets taken up and stays up.

Hay Fever and Pets

If you have a pet, you face the problem of them bringing pollen in from the garden, even if you are dutifully staying indoors. Certainly you should try to prevent them coming into the living room or your bedroom on days with a high pollen count. Alternatively, give dogs a bath to get rid of pollen that way.

Hay Fever and Laundry

When it comes to your laundry, remember to dry both clothes and bedding inside when the pollen count is high. If you are taking all sensible precautions and are still experiencing hay fever symptoms, it could be because the sheet on your bed, or the shirt on your back, is loaded with pollen.

Enjoying Summer

Remember, for most hay fever sufferers, symptoms are irritating more than life threatening, and are only really troublesome when the pollen count is high. So try not to overreact and spend all summer stuck indoors. Take sensible precautions, keep an eye on the pollen count, and try to get the most out of the season.

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